Michał Bereska

Business Trainer

The specialist in B2B sales methodology, distribution organization and acquiring business clients. He creates sales standards fully utilize the potential of customers.

Experienced in sales and negotiations since 1999. Salesman, sales manager operating in the construction, automotive, energy, fuel, offshore, food and service industries.

A practitioner conducting workshops and coaching sessions. Business Trainer - appreciated for experience and support by practical examples.

Lead Auditor of the Mystery Client research. The specialist in the Sales Standards implementation.

An alumnus of the Law and Administration Faculty at the University of Lodz, a graduate of Postgraduate Studies of "Project Management" at the College of Management and Law of Helena Chodkowska in Warsaw and finished Postgraduate Studies of "Advanced Human Resource Management" at the College of Management and Marketing.

TÜV Nord Certified Change Manager

Charity involved in the activities of the Organization for Helping Children in Orphanages 'Spieszę z Pomocą' www. Spiesze z Pomoca.pl

How to implement Sales Standards?


Standards require their definition. The way they are formulated is one of the keys to successful implementation.


You must ensure that you are able to apply the sales methodology as a standard of conduct.


Sellers require support in implementing the Standards. Support is the task of their manager.


Constant supervision of effectiveness is the key stage of continuous improvement.

Our Standards

Practical experience

The Stainer Consulting team can only be created by sales, negotiation and management practitioners.

How and why?

Trainings must indicate what to do, show how to do it and explain why do it in that way.

Inspiring professionals

Personality, knowledge, thoughts that arouse curiosity, make you think, showing the methodology including the philosophy of action and values.

write to us

The participants of our trainings use free expert's advice for a year after training