Retail Sales

B2C (business to customer)

Retail sales methodology

Models of business conversations, methodology for definining the customer needs, techniques for effective offer presentation, price defense, arousing interest in new products, arousing sympathy, building trust

Professional customer service

Principles of professional customer service, principles of proper communication, handling difficult situations and difficult customer behaviors, telephone etiquette and e-mail communication.

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B2B Sales

(business to business)

B2B sales methodology

Models of business conversations, methodology for definining the customer needs, techniques for effective offer presentation, methodology of comparing yourself with the competition, price defense, RCA technique for handling objections, building long-term positive relationships with business clients

Key Account Management

Tactics and strategies for developing cooperation, principles and methods of effective communication, correctly responding to objections and demands, creating and setting development plans, and supervising their implementation

Persuasion in sales - influencing the way of thinking

4 Levels of Persuasion, reaching a "point of agreement", automatic reactions of the human mind, building statements leading to agreement

Creating Customer Needs

Types of purchasing needs, 5P technique for identifying and creating customer needs, methodology of persuasion

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Sale requires being ready. It is based on controlling of the sale conversation.

Michał Bereska
Business Trainer, Coach, Salesman


Negotiation methodology for Salesmen

Principles of conducting business negotiations, building a negotiating position, tactics and strategies, effective communication, proper response to merchant plays, 3 levels of preparation for negotiations, proper use and service of concessions

Business "cabinet" negotiation

Etiquette of conducting business negotiations at the managerial level, principles of conducting business negotiations, building negotiating position, tactics and strategies, principles and methods of effective communication, responses to buyer games, 3 levels of preparation for negotiations, planning concessions in time

Negotiation methodology for Buyers

Merchant tactics, building a negotiating position, rules for conducting business negotiations, responding correctly to trade plays, correctly using and handling concessions

Negotiation of trade agreements

Principles of conducting business negotiations, building a negotiating position, tactics and strategies, effective communication, response to buyer games, 3 levels of preparation for negotiations, proper use and service of concessions, logic for lawyers, correct formulation of the provisions, traps of the Civil Code

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Trainings  online

We also provide all training in electronic form

Participants and managers give us top marks

Trainings for Managers

Sales staff management

The function of Sales Manager - the role and importance for the increase in sales value, performing the leadership function, proper managerial communication, areas of managerial management

Manager's Academy

Influencing sales manager's increase in sales value, management by goals, manager's communication and employee attitude, project management, time, customer relations, sales process performance and effectiveness, leadership function in practice, principles and techniques of proper managerial communication, managerial coaching tools, quality management, implementation of sales standards

Managerial coaching

Methodology of coaching style communication, use of association, dissociation and change of perspective, 3Why method, next door approach, GROW model, SMART, Eisenhower's matrix, logical levels of Robert Dilts, 5P Technique

Time management

Time management areas, time thieves, Eisenhower's' matrix, use of goals in effective own time management, effective planning and implementation of activities

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How to develop the skills?


Knowledge and practical exercises build a workshop. They provide understanding.


After the training, the value is working with an Expert who observes and helps put the workshop into practice


The manager supports development of staff's skills.


Skill development transfers into increased results

Vocational trainings

Train the Trainer

Moderating discussions with a group of people, controlling the direction of conversation, attitude, body language, voice work, arousing interest, keeping the attention of listeners, persuasion, using the automatisms of the human mind, proper building and using multimedia presentations

Public speaker

Attitude, body language, voice work, arousing interest, keeping listeners' attention, persuasion, using the automatisms of the human mind, building and using multimedia presentations correctly

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The participants of our trainings use free expert's advice for a year after training